Philip Coppola
Bob Itri
480 816-4042
G&G trains new to intermediate shooters with special emphasis on teaching children and women. G&G has partnered with Bearing Arms Against Domestic Violence to provide support, training and encouragement to victims of domestic violence. Contact us for more information.
Other course offerings include the NRA's Refuse to be a Victim, Shooting Basics and Personal Protection Inside the Home.
Safe gun handling, holster presentation, tactical issues, practical every day issues and learning how to avoid a Critical Incident from the onset are also provided. See course descriptions below.
Children are a little anxious yet at the same time eager to try new things. G&G emphasizes safety first then provides an environment that is fun and challenging without making it intimidating. Instructing children is fun for us too, as instructors as they are always asking questions.
Minimum age for shooting is 9 but the safety class is open to all ages if accompanied by an adult.
G&G has partnered with the BAADV campaign and provides discounted rates for anyone with an active restraining order. See for more info.
NRA Courses:
Refuse to be a Victim - a full day course covering the following topics:
Basics of Pistol Shooting -8 hour course covering:
Personal Protection in the Home - this full day course covers the following subject matter:
Safe use of Firearms (SUF) - 4 hours - this course covers all aspects of firearm and personal safety. In addition to safe handling of firearms, safety aspects of storage, transfer, access and availability are also discussed. Situational awareness, avoiding potentially unsafe scenarios are also addressed as well as safe holster presentation. This class includes role playing and placing students in situations for evaluation.
SUF is designed for those who have never used a firearm before, for children and new shooters.
Critical Incident Tactics (CIT) -4 or 6 hours- This course is for beginners and intermediate shooters and focuses on defending oneself when a deadly threat is imminent. CIT includes shooting multiple targets, lateral, forward and rearward movement. The course is designed to introduce stress through timed scenarios and responding to instructor orders during the shoot.
Beginners will shoot at a much slower pace with no stress; building muscle memory and skills. Intermediate shooters will have less time to respond, select a target, and move to the next. This is all performed under the watchful eyes of the range safety officer and instructors.
This course is somewhat demanding but fun as well, since students can come away with a sense of accomplishment and new or refined skills.
G&G understands women, men and children all have different ways of learning.